Book Review: The Four Suspects by Agatha Christie

I’m back today with another Agatha Christie mini review. This time Miss Marple and her friends are solving a crime involving “four suspects”.

It’s Sir Henry Clithering’s turn to tell a tale. He tells the tale of an unsolved murder involving a German Spy and the four people that are suspected of killing him. Naturally everyone has a different opinion on who killed him.

This story initially reminded me of The Big Four. Four suspects and involving a spy network. The Big Four was published in 1927 and this story was published in 1930, so maybe The Big Four was a slight influence, or more likely just the backdrop of the war in general.

I liked the mystery and it was no surprise that Miss Marple ended up solving it. As we all know Miss Marple knows so much about village life, and this particular murder takes part in an English village, so of course this was well within Miss Marple’s problem solving area. The way the murder gets solved is really interesting. I won’t spoil it, but it was interesting.

Another wonderful Miss Marple mystery that I listened to on audio. If you get a chance these mysteries are well worth a listen.

Book Review: Jitterball by P.A. Mason

Are you looking for a fun cozy fantasy adventure? Then today’s book is going to be just for you.

Witches Gretchen and Nora are looking forward to watching a gruelling game of Jitterball with ogres and goblins going head to head, when the game starts to take on a magical spin and not the good kind! Someone is trying to magically pre-fix the outcome of the game and with the help of a mischievous minor god, Gretchen and Nora set about to investigate and get to the bottom of it!

Jitterball was my first story by P.A. Mason, and it was SO much fun! It was Legends and Lattes meets Terry Pratchett’s Wyrd Sisters and I loved every second of it. Gretchen and Nora are the epitome of “crone” witches and they love adventures. Well it seems Nora does, and she brings Gretchen along for the ride! It was a wild adventure as they try to figure out who is fixing the match, and naturally there was a lot of mayhem involved!

“Can’t have bored witches getting about, can we? There’d be no end of trouble.”

There is a few references to past adventures [see Gretchen’s [Mis]adventures], without giving away prior plots. I am definitely going to go back and read Gretchen’s first adventures, because now that I have had a taste of Gretchen and Nora and this world, I need more! more! more!

Jitterball is a well-written, fun and snappy little adventure, and it should be on every cozy fantasy readers summer reading list. With just one adventure Gretchen and Nora have become my favourite new witches [sorry Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg!] and I can’t wait to see what they get up to next.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Book Review: A Shake of Succubus by S.E. Babin

The Devil, a demon, and a hybrid something walked out of the bar and headed down the streets of New Orleans in order to catch a rogue angel.

Our favourite paranormal “something”, Violet, is a potionmaster and Guardian of the portal in New Orleans. Her bar, Swan’s Noveltini’s has been moved to the portal, along with her bartender, Landry, and her fairies, Keelie and Olive. However, hosting demons every night brings lot of challenges, and none of them quiet. Especially when someone is killing Guardians and Violet could very well be the next one targeted.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this series. It’s so different from what I’ve been reading lately and the first book, A Twist of Demons, absolutely hooked me! I was all ready for more adventures with Violet. We definitely find out more about Violet in this second adventure, and meet new characters… some of them angelic and some of them demon persuasion!

A Shake of Succubus builds on the first story and is so good! I really don’t want to give too much away but a war is brewing and I can already tell I’m going to want to read the rest of the series very quickly!!! With it’s sharp wit and memorable characters this is a series that I need more, more, more of!

“I do not like cheese.” What the fuck kind of monster doesn’t like cheese? “Lactose intolerance?” The demon sniffed. “Demons do not suffer human ailments.” “Oh. Forgive me. Then you’re a pyscho”.

Cocktails in Hell is part Lucifer, part Good Omens and part Dresden Files and 100% awesome! If you like demons, angels and sexy characters then you really need to be reading this series! Trust me you won’t be disappointed.

Book Review: You Can’t Candle the Truth by Sarah E Burr

Readers, I have a very special new-to-me series today… the Glenmyre Whim Mysteries and I am absolutely smitten!

Hazel Wickbury is a candle maker and part of the much-dwindling Glenmyre family. Each family member has a special “whim”, a talent that is very mystical and special in its own way. Hazel’s “whim” is she can see the life clock of every person she meets. So imagine her surprise when a local suddenly dies and she was sure they had 50+ years to live. Hazel and her Aunt and best friend, Poppy, are certain it is a case of murder and set about trying to clear their friend, Cora, from suspicion.

I really, really loved Sarah E Burr’s book blogger mysteries. I went into this series intrigued, but not to love it more than her book blogger books. Well I was wrong! This series is even better! There is something about magical powers, the sweet scents of candles and a visiting mystery author that all added up to a wonderful mystery!!

I love the Glenmyres and how unique their magic is. In this book we learn about their whims and about their family being one of the founding families of Crucible. However, I certainly get the feeling there is so much more to unfold about the Glenmyres and even everyone that lives in Crucible. I read a lot of paranormal mysteries, and I love that this was such a unique twist [at least to me] and I can’t wait to find out what else there is to learn about the Glenmyres.

This mystery stumped me! It’s the first one this month that I was completely wrong about! I have a pretty good mystery solving rate, given the fact that I read a lot of mysteries and I was completely stumped. I was heading in one direction and I was completely wrong. If that doesn’t impress you enough to pick up You Can’t Candle the Truth then do it for the cute bookstore owner, Ezra!

If you love paranormal mysteries, you need to add this series to your summer reading! It was so enjoyable and I will definitely be reading the second book, Too Much to Candle, very soon!

Book Review: Curtain by Agatha Christie

I’m a firm believer that you should re-read the same book at different times in your life. What you think of a book in your 20’s may be completely different to your view in your 40’s. This is certainly true of my latest re-read of an Agatha Christie novel, Curtain. I’m re-reading the Agatha Christie novels in publication order. However, I decided to read the first and last of Poirot’s adventures together, as they are inexplicably linked. Both occur at Styles, and are such a contrast to each other.

Captain Hastings has returned to Styles for one last adventure with Monsieur Hercule Poirot. Poirot has requested that he return, and Hastings also finds his daughter, Juliet in attendance. Poirot is hunting down a cunning killer by the moniker of “X”. However, with Poirot’s health deteriorating he asks Hastings to be his eyes and ears around the property and help him solve the mystery.

I’ve read Curtain many times. It is definitely in my top 5 most re-read Christie’s. Mostly recently in 2009, 2016 and now. So in my 20’s, 30’s and now 40’s. The first time I read it I was young and passionate and how I hated it. Christie turns what we think of a detective novel upside down and twists it around. She doesn’t follow the rules… I won’t spoil it but I will say there are certain rules for a detective novel and she throws them right out with this one. Now… now I think it is brilliant and I feel I have more experience to appreciate the nuances she has done here.

However, much like Agatha Christie herself, I do not like Poirot.

“Have I Not here my faithful dog to protect me also? My excellent and loyal Hastings!”

He is egotistical, certain of his own superior “little grey cells” and sometimes in regards to Hastings, cruel. Yes he is brilliant, but I don’t find him likeable in the least. I think over the decades cozy mystery sleuths have changed and they are definitely far more likeable now then Poirot.

“I will not look through keyholes,” I interrupted hotly. Poirot closed his eyes. “Very well then. You will not look through keyholes. You will remain the English gentlemen and someone will be killed. It does not matter, that. Honour comes first with an Englishman. Your honour is more important than somebody else’s life. Bien! It is understood“.

Detestable little man. However, this detestable little man knew how to solve a mystery and this one was really quite brilliant. Especially since looking back, keyholes were quite important!

On a side note, I find it really interesting that Curtain was written in 1940 and published in 1975. Agatha Christie always knew how she wanted to end Poirot. I wonder if it was at this point, in 1940, that she started to dislike him and gave him the ending she did. He incidentally is the only fictional character to have an obituary in the New York Times. So he was clearly much loved by many, just not me nor Christie herself.

If you only read a handful of Agatha Christie mysteries, I strongly recommend Curtain is one of them. Although much like chocolate, you can’t just read one, so go ahead and read them all!

Book Review: A Twist of Demon by S.E. Babin

Prepare yourself readers because I’m about to gush! Like major gush! Today I’ve got a new-to-me series and it was definitely love-at-first-chapter!

Violet is a bartender in New Orleans. In a city where there is a mecca of paranormals, one of which is Violet herself. She’s used to the darker side of life, but when her bar becomes swarmed with demons she’s worried that her hidden identity might be found out.

I haven’t read a lot of fantasy this year. Many years ago, fantasy was my main reading choice, especially Kelley Armstrong and Rachel Caine. When I discovered S.E. Babin had a cozy mystery series, I was all ready to start, when this book cover screamed at me “read me”! So I did… and oh wow! I loved this book SO MUCH!

A Twist of Demon reads like a cozy fantasy, with it’s sharp wit and compelling characters. To say I couldn’t put it down is the understatement of the year! From the outset we don’t know what paranormal Violet is, and in typical “get the reader hooked” fashion, S.E. Babin doesn’t reveal all her secrets just yet. Just enough to tantalize and tease and hook readers into wanting more!

I loved this version of New Orleans, being a mecca to all things paranormal, and all the creatures mingling at Violet’s bar, Swan Noveltini. Think potions, cocktails and books! Absolutely my idea of heaven! Well without the demons that are willing to kill you in the carpark…. but I won’t give everything away!

A Twist of Demon is a perfect first book in this fantasy series. I’m already hooked and ready to cast aside all my other books and binge this series!

Book Review: Costumes & Cadavers by Katherine H Brown

Up next I have a spook little mystery, that packs a big bite, and it has me craving more Halloween reads.

Charity Basham, owner of Sassy Supplies Crafts & More, is hosting a Halloween party at home, and is looking forward to the costume contest. However, before the judging can start a body is found in her backyard, and the police suspect her.

I’ve been reading more shorter mysteries this year and I just love them. Is it easy to solve a mystery within 300 pages? For me, yes. What about a shorter length? Well given my history with Agatha Christie short stories, I will say that is a lot harder! Costumes & Cadavers definitely gave me a challenge with trying to solve the mystery surrounding the unwanted guest’s death!

This was a fun and quick read. I’m a big fan of crafting cozies, being a yarn dyer by day, and I like that this one is centred around a craft store. Naturally craft supplies play a part in the death, and let’s just say I won’t look at them the same way again!! Charity lives with her beautiful cat, Jinx, and her grandfather, and from the small taste of her life in Costumes & Cadavers I can’t wait to learn more about her life!

If you’re looking for a fun, short mystery you can’t go wrong with Costumes & Cadavers. It’s small town charm and compelling mystery leave me wanting to read more! Luckily for me there are more mysteries in the series, especially since I’m [im]patiently awaiting the third book in her Longhorn Trucking mysteries, due to be released next month.

Book Review: A Murder at the Movies by Ellie Alexander

Readers, something very wonderful is happening. Ellie Alexander is giving us not one but TWO Secret Bookcase Mysteries next week! I’m here to share my absolute delight in the second book in the series, A Murder at the Movies.

Following the success of the Mystery Fest, our favourite bookseller in Redwood Grove, Annie Murphy, is organizing a movie festival, around the premiere of a Hitchcock-inspired thriller indie movie, Midnight Alibi. However, not all goes to plan when a movie critic is killed at the premiere, leaving Annie and her friends to take up the roll of sleuths again and find a killer.

I adored the first book in this series, The Body in the Bookstore. It gives off modern-day Agatha Christie vibes and I just loved it to itty bitty pieces. Naturally with the second book being released with the first, I couldn’t resist a double header. Well, let me just say if you liked The Body in the Bookstore you are simply going to love A Murder at the Movies.

With the backdrop of a Hitchcock-inspired thriller, Ellie Alexander delivers a perfect mystery in time for a day of summer reading outside! I’ve never seen a Hitchcock movie, and maybe I’m not quite ready for that either!, but I was ready to learn about a movie great and try and solve a mystery that left me on the edge of my seat!

With red herrings being thrown at every corner, even the most seasoned mystery reader might have trouble solving this one before Annie. However, with a well-placed clue early on, I was able to pick up the clues, toss the herrings aside, and find the killer, which naturally is always my favourite thing to do!

“Does working out mean reading heavy hardcovers of Sherlock?” I said with one eye narrowed. “That counts. That counts.”

Apart from the mystery, the reason I come back to cozies is because of the characters. Ellie Alexander writes characters with layers. No one-dimensional characters here! I love how each book is slowly peeling back some of those layers, especially for Annie and Liam. Meanwhile, all my other favourite characters, Hal, Fletcher and Priya, are here and there is a little bit of adventure in their lives too!

If you are looking for a challenging mystery, with diverse, interesting characters this series is well worth a read! Beware though, Ellie Alexander is going to have you counting down the days until the next one!

Note: I received a review copy from the publisher.

Book Review: The Companion by Agatha Christie

I guessed an Agatha Christie mystery correctly! For the record, this almost never happens. Even though I’m quite good at guessing most modern mysteries, her mysteries always leave me stumped! However, the mystery of The Companion I guessed correctly and I’m feeling pretty proud!

In a continuation of the Tuesday Night Club, it’s Dr Lloyd’s turn to tell a story. He tells the story of a drowning in the Canary Islands of an English woman and how he suspected another English woman of doing it, without evidence.

I don’t know if this one was easier to guess or I’m just getting better at picking up the clues and casting the red herrings aside, but I picked up the clues on this one and yes, I’m feeling very proud! The mystery itself was very detailed and if you’re not paying attention you might get lost amongst the red herrings.

I’m really enjoying the short stories that make up the Tuesday Night Club, as we have the same characters sitting around discussing the mysteries but a different mystery each time, involving new characters. It’s such an interesting way of telling short stories and I love each of them. I can’t wait for the next one.

Book Review: Magpie Maggie Takes the Heat by Katherine H Brown

Magpie Maggie is back and I’m here to share that her second story is just as charming and thrilling as her first!

Maggie is back behind wheel on her second delivery with a mission in sight! She’s determined to prove that her father was murdered and find the murderer!

I really enjoyed Magpie Maggie Takes the Wheel, the first book in this series. It hit all the right vibes with me…. relatable and interesting characters, a cozy mystery to solve, and of course a cute puppy. I loved it so much I was eager to follow up with the second story asap and I’m so glad I did.

Maggie’s second delivery is close to where her father was found dead and of course like any nosy amateur sleuth she can’t resist investigating! I just love Maggie’s “on the road” adventures. As a kid I did a lot of road trips with my parents, and there was always something cozy about being curled up in the back seat with a book [usually the Baby-Sitter’s Club books] and so I feel naturally drawn to this series.

If you like memorable characters, with wonderful character development, and a fun mystery to solve, I can’t recommend this series enough. It’s everything I look for in a cozy mystery and I can’t wait for the next one!