Book Review: The Kitten Caper by Tara Lush

I’m [im]patiently waiting for the next Crescent Moon Inn Mystery to be released [June 1 everyone!] and I thought I would pick up this little prequel novella, The Kitten Caper, to tide me over. After reading this story, let’s just say I have a new series to add to my “must read” list!

Maggie and Vera Andrews are trying to move on after their father passed away. Maggie has moved back home to support her sister, who is opening up a bookstore. Meanwhile Maggie will take over her father’s gator trapping business. However, before all that can start, they have a little mystery on their hands. Vera thinks there is a ghost in the house, and Maggie sets out to investigate.

I had seen the first book in this series, Gator Queen, but haven’t picked it up yet, when I saw that there was a prequel novella. Since I love reading books in order I picked up The Kitten Caper first and I just adored it! It was so cute and sweet, and the perfect introduction to this series. We learn all about Wahoo, Florida and the Andrews’ twins. Plus a sweet, little “fluffy” mystery!

Being a novella, the mystery is fairly short and easy to solve. However, the reader gets just enough of a taste of Wahoo that they are bound to want to pick up Gator Queen like now! Speaking of me, I’m that reader!! If you enjoy Tara Lush’s other mysteries, you need to be reading this series too! It’s quirky and fun!

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