Book Review: Every Hex You Take by Tara Lush

It’s finally June and I’m excited to read so many excellent June releases. First up is the third book in the Crescent Moon Mysteries, Every Hex You Take. I absolutely loved the first two and I’ve been so excited for this one. How excited? I woke up at 6am yesterday and the first thing I did was check my Kindle to make sure this book was ready to devour!

Amelia Matthews is settling into her new life in Cypress Grove, running an Inn that she has inherited and learning more about her psychic abilities. When she’s approached to join a local “Gen X” coven, she’s excited. However, before she joins they task her with trying to solve a cold case. Not one to leave a case unsolved, Amelia jumps straight in. However, this case might even test her sleuthing skills to the limit… especially when her mother turns up unexpectedly.

Being a Gen X myself I absolutely love this series! It combines real life issues that are currently affecting me [hello perimenopause] with my love of solving a good mystery! This time Amelia has to take on a mystery and her prickly mother at the same time! Sometimes the results are hilarious and sometimes it made me cringe inside for her, because we’ve all been there!!!!

“I can’t wait for my crone era.”
Mom’s face contorted in horror, as if growing visibly old was the worst fate possible.

I really enjoyed the mystery. It’s a cold case and links to one of the ghosts that Amelia speaks to regularly [I won’t spoil it if you’re new to the series] and let’s just say it is thrilling to learn more about our local ghosts and how they have gotten stuck “in between”. I especially loved the “unmasking” and watching all the coven sisters work together!

Every Hex You Take packs a tantalizing mystery, intriguing characters and enough Gen X references to make my little 80’s heart soar! If you are looking for a middle-age sleuth, that has a lot of adventuring ahead of her, you can’t miss this series!

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