Tag Archive | pride and prejudice

Book Review: The Murder of Mr Wickham by Claudia Gray

It is a truth universally acknowledged that when you put 12 people together at a house party with a villain, then someone is bound to turn up dead! At least that is what happens in The Murder of Mr Wickham.

Pride & Prejudice is one of my all-time favourite books [and mini series too!], which is why I picked up this book. Mr Wickham finally getting the outcome he deserves? Yes please! A mash-up of all the characters in Jane Austen’s novels? Yes! Yes!

The story takes place in Highbury, with the Knightleys hosting a house party with the Darcy’s [including their son Jonathan Darcy], the Bertrams, the Wenthworths and the Brandons, along with Miss Tilney. Mayhem comes to play when Mr George Wickham turns up unexpectedly, set to ruin all the fun.

What I absolutely loved about this story is that the author has made Mr Wickham even more of a villain then his story in Pride & Prejudice. In this case, his villainy is to the extent that he would never be able to redeem himself, and becomes the perfect victim. With all those attending the house party having a reason to see him fall [except for Miss Tilney] it sets the stage for a perfect murder mystery. The two youngest in attendance, Miss Tilney and Jonathan Darcy set about to hold their own investigation.

I simply loved The Murder of Mr Wickham. I have recently watched all the movies, and surprisingly [for me at least] Northanger Abbey became a favourite. Not better than Pride & Prejudice but a solid number two. As such I simply adored Miss Tilney and Jonathan Darcy getting together to solve the mystery. Miss Tilney is intelligent and delightful, and you can definitely see her mother, Catherine Morland, in her!

If you love regency mysteries or Jane Austen I strongly recommend this book. You don’t need to know the back stories of the characters, but it does help. This is a really great start to what I hope will be a long and wonderful series.

Austenland, Persuasion [2022], Pride & Prejudice [2005]

I’ve been inspired by my new Jane Austen book boxset to delve into Jane Austen books and movies that I haven’t read and watched… looking at all of you except for the BBC’s Pride & Prejudice. I’ve spent much of my adult life obsessed with the BBC’s production of Pride & Prejudice that I haven’t read the other books or seen the other movies, so slowly remedying that.

Austenland: This was a fun rom-com featuring Jane Hayes, a woman who is obsessed with Pride and Prejudice, and goes to a Jane Austen-inspired estate for a vacation. I liked this one a lot more than I thought I would. I’ve read the book by the same name a long time ago, and it was a refreshing and fun variation.

Persuasion: Okay, I have mixed thoughts on this one. It was kind of odd. I’ve never read Persuasion nor seen other adaptions, so this was my first experience. It was a surprisingly modern regency and I liked it, especially breaking down the fourth wall. It was just oddly modern and not what I was expecting at all. Since finishing I’ve heard that the letter at the end is a little different, so I’ll definitely be looking for other adaptions and reading the book soon.

Pride & Prejudice: The BBC’s 1995 adaption is my favourite of all time, which is why it took me so long to watch this one. I did like it, especially Mr Bennet’s interactions with Mary. I thought that was very sweet and she often gets overlooked. I really enjoyed the casting choices. Being a big fan of Judi Dench, I was delighted with her Lady Catherine. She always delivers a first class performance and this one was particularly wonderful. All of the cast did a tremendous job. However, nothing will de-throne my opinion of the 1995 adaption. It is the best. The end.

Next up is Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park.